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Drug Abuse in Sport

The Welsh Bowling Association is committed to the eradication of drug abuse in sport, and it will strictly adhere to the UK Anti Doping Rules. The W.B.A. supports the policy that will result in bowlers agreeing to undergo drug control tests to ascertain the presence of any forbidden substance in the bowler’s body at the time of the test. These rules will be updated on website:

During last year’s Senior International Series in Worthing two bowlers from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales were drug tested. Fortunately all tests proved negative, but the players were only informed ten minutes from the end of their second round matches that they had been singled out for tests. They were escorted over to the Bowls England Headquarters where the test procedures were carried out during the evening. The UK Anti Doping Agency has the authority to carry out these tests before, or after any competition, and refusal to comply can lead to serious consequences.

Any bowler undergoing medical treatment, and in doubt whether the drug prescribed and taken by him is likely to fall into the banned category should consult his doctor. In the case of members of the International Team members they should also contact in confidence the Welsh Team Manager.

We encourage all members of the W.B.A. to also consult the following Websites to obtain further information: -


Clubs may be required to make a private room available where a player may submit himself to a doping test.